About me
Godwin Uwuba’men is a Personal Discovery Coach and Mentor, Human Resource and Project Management professional and the President of DyscoverYou International, Abuja.
Systems Thinking Course
Every organization needs people to grow into a working system that attracts customers clients and more revenue.
if you are keen on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization’s system to enhance growth then go register for this SYSTEMS THINKING TRAINING.
Special Virtual Meetings
Enterprise Global Hub
Every third friday of the month
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Ministers Chatroom
Every third Monday of the month
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Register here Make A Reservation
Enterprise Global Community
We are shaping the future of the world! You just have to believe somewhere inside, that in your lifetime, at least One Million of the human world’s population will exchange time, energy and resources with at least one idea from your heart! If this is you, then you belong in this circle. All of your life has prepared you for what is about to happen to you.